Gifts of Weather
I am fortunate in many ways to live in South Florida. Our motorcycle season lasts about twelve months making it one of those few states where you can enjoy riding year 'round. Of course, we have other weather that can put a crimp in your ride, such as very regular afternoon summer thunderstorms and the occasional hurricane. But overall, it is motorcycle paradise.
Our seasons are divided like the weather in any other state with the exception that we only have two. The first is simply called "Season" and represents the time of the year that the "snowbirds" migrate south to live at what they call winter homes. The weather in South Florida is amazing with highs rangng from the 50's to the 70's with an occasional venture at both extemes. It's also our dry season. During the time from November 1st through April 30th there are typically fewer than 25 days with any rain at all. A bikers dream.
The rest of the year is like much of the northern hemisphere with summer temperatures hitting the high 90's and the lows rarely dipping below 70. At sea level, where most of this State resides, you don't get mountain breezes or Canadian cool fronts. It gets hot and humid and stays that way.
The reason I wrote this entry is that today, May 8th, is that we're still getting lows in the 60's. It has been so incredibly beautiful outside that typing this inside is almost painful. I just did a few errands yesterday, but I rode the bike. The night before I just took a ride to the ocean, rode along the water several miles and then rode back. It's a great time to be on a bike. It's rare for us to have this kind of weather at this time of the year. It's definitely a riding gift.
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