Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cory showing legs on bike

It was great having Cory in to pose on bikes. Unfortunately, we were not as organized for the event as we would prefer. We had little notice of her arrival and that kept us from getting the word out so she could pose on your bikes. She said she will come back down and we'll give you enough notice to let you make an appointment to put Cory on your bike to make a high-resolution interactive 360-degree view of your bike. Look for the upcoming event so you can make plans. This is currently available only in South Florida. We will be entertaining other models. If you know someone in our area that would like to model on bikes, have her contact us and we'll outline the program. Bikers and babes just go together naturally. Click here to see the 360-degree view of Cory on the bike. There's also a hidden link for extra poses.